
What's new in computing today at Fermi

Sharan Kalwani

Tuesday October 28th 2014 at 7:00pm
Wheaton, Illinois Institute of Technology - Rice Campus, Room 103


As a national center of scientific research and experiments, Fermilab in Batavia has continuously sought to optimize and improve it's technological capabilities to accommodate the ever increasing demands of the scientific community at large. Sharan will go over the latest advances in computing and networking at Fermi, as well as interesting projects which use advanced computing. He will cover many of their new projects and will also present an overview of Scientific Linux; an open source Linux distribution based Centos/RedHat, maintained by Fermilab, in co-operation with CERN. Sharan will also talk about some of the new science and physics projects coming on stream in the very near future.


Sharan Kalwani joined the HPC group at Fermi National Accelerator Labs as a Computing Services Architect. Before Fermi, he was the Subject Matter Expert/Project lead at the UberCloud project, working on helping to realize HPC in the cloud. With 30 years of experience in Scientific and Technical computing, Sharan has worked at numerous HPC industry leaders that include Cray Research, Silicon Graphics, etc. He has also spent several years in the industry at General Motors – managing their global engineering HPC centers, as well as in the academic domain, helping to fulfil their research computing missions. Sharan is a member of the ACM, senior member of IEEE/Computer Society, USENIX/LISA, Union of Concerned Scientists and the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS). He was also one of the original founders of the michigan!/usr/group ( back in 1986. He also runs the popular discussion group 'Innovative Uses of HPC' on Linked In.

Getting to the meeting

The next General meeting of UniForum Chicago will be:

        IIT Rice Campus
        Room 103
        201 East Loop Road
        Wheaton, IL 60187-8489
Directions to IIT - Rice Campus in Wheaton
The 19-acre campus is located just northeast of the intersection of Naperville and Butterfield roads in sou th Wheaton's Danada development. The campus is three miles west of the Butterfield Road interchange of the N orth-South Tollway (I-355) and two miles north of the Naperville Road interchange of the East-West Tollway ( I-88).

From the North or South: From I-355 (North-South Tollway), exit westbound at Rt.56/Butterfield Road and proceed west 3 1/2 miles on B utterfield Road to East Loop Road. Turn right onto East Loop Road (Phillip's 66 Gas Station on the corner); the campus will be on your right about a block north of Butterfield Road, behind Cozymel's. Park in the Student parking lot behind the building. Room 103 is the first room inside the north enterance.

From the I-294 (Tri-State Tollway), take the I-88 (East-West Tollway) westbound and follow directions "From the East or West" below.

From the East or West: From I-88 (East-West Tollway), take the Naperville Road exit. At the traffic light, turn left onto Naperville Road and continue north for 1\275 miles to Rt. 56/Butterfield Road. Turn right onto Rt. 56/Butterfield Road and proceed 1/4 mile to the first traffic light (East Loop Road). Turn left on to East Loop Road, ( Phillip's 66 Gas station on the corner); the campus will be on your right about a block north of Butterfield Road, behind Cozymel's. Park in the Student parking lot behind the building.

Room 103 is the first room inside the north enterance.

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