General Meeting

Mod Perl

Matt Coffey

Tuesday, June 27, 7:00-9:00 pm
College of DuPage SRC 2800(D,E,F)


Apache is the choice for over half of all web servers. Perl is the language of choice for CGI programming. Together they facilitate dynamic web sites. The problem is that the behavior that promotes ease of use and makes CGI programs and, specifically, Perl CGI programs popular also makes them slow. One very good solution to this problem is mod_perl. Speed increases of 200-2000% over mod_cgi programs have been reported. But, mod_perl comes with a price.

In this talk I will discuss why one would want to go through the pain of porting CGI scripts to mod_perl. I will then discuss configuring Apache to use mod_perl. Finally, I will demonstrate some common problems with Perl code under mod_perl and possible solutions.

Speaker Bio

Matthew Coffey has been creating CGI applications with Perl since CGI was introduced with the NCSA HTTPd 1.0. He always strives to write code that can run without modification under mod_perl.

Matthew is currently a Principal Consultant with Collective Technologies.

Getting to the meeting

The next meeting of UniForum Chicago will be from 7:00 pm to 9:00 PM on Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at the College of DuPage. The address of the meeting facility is:

        College of DuPage
        SRC 2800(D,E,F)
        22nd and Lambert
        Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-6599
Take 355 to Butterfield Rd (Rt 56).
Take Butterfield West to Lambert Rd, then Lambert Rd North to 22nd St.
Turn right and look for Lot 2 or the Faculty/Staff parking lot (behind Lot 1) on the right side of 22nd St.
Walk to the SRC building, room 2800 is on the second floor near the north-west corner of the building,
upstairs from the north doors facing Lot 2.

All UniForum Chicago general meetings are open to the public free of charge.

Contact Scott Nemec at (630) 990-6265 for additional information.

For more information about UniForum Chicago contact

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