In today's tough job market, you need to know everything you can about how to get (and keep) your job. Whether we call ourselves "employees", "contractors" or "consultants", we are all effectively "independent agents" in today's job market. This presentation tells you what you need to know to be the most effective independent agent you can. Told from the perspective of a long-time independent contractor, it helps you better understand the IT job market by seeing how independent contractors view it.
What you'll learn:
Howard Fosdick has been a successful independent contractor for fifteen years. He works as a hands-on DBA specializing in Oracle and DB2. He's written several technical books, published over 150 technical articles, and founded user groups like the International DB2 Users Group and the Midwest Database Users Group.
Sept 23rd, 2003 7:00pm to 9:00pm College of DuPage Building SRC, Rm 2800 22nd and Lambert Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-6599Take 355 to Butterfield Rd (Rt 56).
All UniForum Chicago general meetings are open to the public free of charge.
Contact David Young at (630) 357-5963 or for additional information.
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